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European Parliament urged to vote against fisheries agreement with Morocco

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Brussels, Nov 28, 2013 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Natural Resources Watchdog called on the European Parliament (EP) to vote against the fisheries agreement with Morocco which includes Western Sahara “an illegally occupied territory by the Kingdom of Morocco.”

In a letter sent to the European Parliament and released Tuesday, the Sahrawi watchdog, a non-governmental organization (NGO) urged the European deputies to reject this fisheries agreement dubbed “unfair.”

The Sahrawi NGO invited the European Parliament to "take as an example the position of the United States of America which clearly excludes the Western Sahara from its free-exchange agreement with Morocco.”

“The adoption of this fisheries agreement will only prolong the conflict and the human tragedy in the occupied territories of Western Sahara,” said the source. (SPS)
