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International community should force Morocco to clear mined Sahrawi lands, says Ould Salek

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Algiers, Dec 4, 2013 (SPS) - "The international community should assume its responsibilities and force Morocco to clear the Sahrawi lands of the million of mines planted since 1975, and which continue to leave victims among Sahrawi civilians," said Wednesday the Foreign Minister of Sahrawi Arab Democratic
Republic (SADR), Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek.

"I call on the 13th meeting of State Parties to the Convention on Anti-Personnel Mine Ban (held currently in Geneva) and all international community to force the Moroccan occupier to clear hundreds of areas in Western Sahara, which it littered with antitank and antipersonnel mines since the beginning of occupation in 1975," Mr. Ould Salek said in a statement to Algerian Press Service (APS).

In this regard, the Saharawi Foreign Minister denounced the fact that Sahrawi civilians are killed and injured everyday by the Moroccan mines in the occupied and liberated territories of Western Sahara.

"Five people, including two kids, of the same family were killed last November in landmine blasts near the region of Geltat Zemour," he said, adding that more than five million landmines have been planted by Moroccan occupying forces in Sahrawi lands.

Mr. Ould Salek also called on the international community to force Morocco to demolish the 2700-km wall of shame" preventing the Sahrawi people from moving freely on their own lands." (SPS)
