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President of Republic calls on UN to protect ‘defenseless’ Saharawis in occupied territories

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Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), December 27, 2013 (SPS) -  President of Republic Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mohamed Abdelaziz invited the United Nations to intervene to protect ‘defenseless’ Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara from ‘such inhuman and unacceptable practices’ carried out by Morocco, in a letter sent Thursday to UN secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.
President of Republic also called on the international community to exert necessary pressure on the Moroccan regime to comply with international legitimacy and allow the organization of free and democratic referendum in which the Saharawi people decides its own future.
President Mohamed Abdelaziz demanded the establishment of an independent mechanism to monitor and report on human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and to force Morocco to reveal the whereabouts of all the disappeared Saharawis, release all Saharawi political prisoners in its prisons, halt illegal exploitation of the natural resources of the Western Sahara and remove the military wall that divides the Western Sahara and separates its people.
Moroccan forces attack Wednesday evening crowds of Sahrawi citizens in Smara Street in occupied city of El Aaiun, where they were staging a peaceful demonstration demanding to reveal the whereabouts of 15 young Saharawis disappeared since 2005, on the eighth anniversary of their abduction by Moroccan state. (SPS)