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Youth delegation from occupied territories attends Eighth Congress of Sahrawi Youth Union

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Auserd (Sahrawi refugee camps), December 29, 2013 (SPS ) - A youth delegation from the occupied territories of Western Sahara,  representing various forces of the intifada, is taking part in the Eighth Congress of the Sahrawi Youth Union, held in the Wilaya of Auserd, Sahrawi refugee camps.


The delegation is composed of 10 human rights activists from different regions of Sahrawi  occupied territories, southern Morocco and university sites.


In this regard, the Minister of the Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad, Mr. Mohammed El Wali Akaik , said in an interview with SPS "the participation is a defiance to the Moroccan occupation and its methods of repression and intimidation and comes in the context of the peaceful fight waged by Sahrawis in the occupied territories ."



"It is a formal declaration to the Moroccan state and the world that no peace or stability in the Western Sahara unless the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence is respected," he added.


It should be recalled that some 1000  participants including 200 delegates from all parts  of the world are taking part, besides the delegation from occupied territories Western Sahara, in the Eighth Congress of the sahrawi youth Union. (SPS)