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Fishing and human rights "intensified" battle between Polisario front and Morocco in international forums (Diplomat)

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Shaheed El Hafed, January 5, 2014 (SPS) - Polisario front Representative in Washington, Mohamed Yeslem Baisat, noted that the year 2013 has been  an "intensified" battle between Polisario Front and Morocco on the issues of fishing and human rights violation by Morocco in occupied Western Sahara.
Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Baisat indicated in an interview with Sahara Press Service (SPS), on the sidelines of Foreign Relations Conference, that there is a battle within the European institutions on the topics of the "plunder of natural resources and violations of human rights," where the last year experienced significant presence of Sahrawi question in the world big forums, highlighting the positions expressed especially in USA, Japan, European Union, Arab world and Africa.
The Polisario Front Representative in Washington pointed out that the program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the New Year 2014 focuses on exposing the crimes of Moroccan occupation and plunder of Sahrawi  natural resources, as well as Sahrawi issue in its legal, historical, political and human rights aspects which will be strongly present in the discourse of Sahrawi diplomacy.
Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Baisat indicated that the annual Foreign Relations Conference, which continues on Sunday, held in a national and international political climate marked mainly by "defending" the values of human rights, democracy and implanting of national existence in world cultures. 
The Sahrawi diplomat pointed out that the Conference is important for exchange of views and evaluation to review  points of strength and weakness observed during a year of work, where a strategy has been developed with other partners of national institutions on how to cooperate and coordinate the work at the international level.   
The Conference discussed reports of institutions such as the Ministry for the Occupied Territories and Community Abroad, Association of the Families of Sahrawi Prisoners and Disappeared, Union of Saharawi Jurists, Sahrawi Red Crescent, Ministry of Cooperation, Ministry of Information, Mass organizations in addition to members of Pan-African Parliament and Sahrawi National Council.
The first day of the Foreign Relations Conference witnessed the evaluation of the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its branches in the world and it is expected to be concluded Saturday evening, according to the organisers. (SPS)