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African leaders examine food security challenges in the continent

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Addis Ababa, Jan 30, 2014 (SPS) - The African Union leaders hold as from Thursday's morning in Addis Ababa their 22nd summit to examine the means to revive the sector of agriculture and opportunity creation for the achievement of food security and sustainable development, seen as one of the most important challenges to the continent.


This summit, to last over a couple of days is attended also by politicians and representatives of international and regional organizations.


It is held under the theme "2014, Agriculture and Food Security in Africa" coinciding with the celebration of 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme.


The summit’s agenda focuses on a series of decisions on the post-2015 development agenda and on the sustainable development and result-based recommendations and projects of the AU different bodies, including the latest decisions of the Executive Council and Peace and Security Council.


The leaders will also examine the report on the Peace and Security Council activities, the state of peace and security in Africa, the activities of the Council of the Wise and the renewal of its members.


The agenda will also focus on some articles proposed by some member countries of the African Union, the adoption of the decisions of the 21st AU ordinary summit and the announcement of the date and venue of holding the next summit.


The summit will also consider the report on the assessment of "the African Standby Force" and the activation of the "African rapid response force" in addition to the launch of the final report of the high-level committee responsible for vulnerable countries. (SPS)
