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Seminar on Western Sahara issue in Tokyo

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Tokyo, February 1, 2014 (SPS) -  A Seminar on the issue of Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa, was held  Thursday in Meijigakuin university in Tokyo, Japan, attended by about 50 university students, 30 scholars and professors. 
The seminar studied the latest situation in Sahrawi refugee camps and the visit of the personal envoy of the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Christopher Ross.
The Algerian Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Sid Ali Ketrandji, indicated that Algeria supports Mr. Ross to realize the UN Referendum to implement the right of Saharawi people to Self-determination, adding that his country respects the Saharawi people because they are fighting peacefully to free their homeland, the Last Colony in Africa. 
The President of the Parliamentarians' Association for the Western Sahara, Parliamentarian Yukio Ubukata, promised that he will try to explain to the Japanese parliamentarians the importance for the Japanese politicians to contribute to the resolution of the Western Sahara conflict". 
The representative of Sahara Japan Journalist Association (SJJA), ITSUKO Hirata, explained the actuality of Sahrawi refugee camps which she visited January 11,  with pictures, highlighting their need for material and political aid. 
Parliamentarian Mito Kakizawa said that he will send Japanese rice as material aid for Sahrawi refugee camps and he will try to invite Saharawi athletes to the 2020 Tokyo olympic.
The participants to the seminar decided to support the Saharawi people's right to self-determination and the organization of free and fair  referendum under the auspices of the United Nations. (SPS)