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SADR 38th anniversary celebrated in France

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Paris, Feb 28, 2014 (SPS) - The Saharawi community in France commemorated yesterday, Thursday, at Édouard Herriot Square, centre of Paris, the 38th anniversary of the declaration of Saharawi Republic (SADR).

The ceremony, which has been lasted for two hour, was attended by sympathizers with the Saharawi people and the participants at the anti-colonialism week, held in Paris.

Participants at this gathering denounced Morocco’s occupation and its crimes and gross human rights violation in Western Sahara, calling for the need to protect the Saharawis’ right of expression and assembly.

They also demanded the “immediate release” of all the Saharawi political prisoners, and disclosing the whereabouts of hundreds of missings and forcibly disappeared people.

They, on other hand, appealed to the government of France to comply with international legitimacy and contribute to finding a “quick and fair” settlement, which provides for the exercise by the Saharawi people to their right to self-determination through a free, impartial and democratic referendum.

They also asked French politicians to exert pressure on the Moroccan state so to put an end to the conflict of Western Sahara. (SPS)
