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President Mohamed Abdelaziz confirms Moroccan drugs poses risk to North Africa

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Johannesburg, March 19, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has confirmed that Moroccan drugs poses risk to North Africa, highlighting that the terrorism which is taking place in some parts of Africa is a major concern for the whole continent.

In his address delievered Tuesday at the celebrations commemorating the 10th anniversary of Pan-African Parliament, President Mohamed Abdelaziz condemned the criminal acts that have occurred in some African countries such as Nigeria, express, in the same regard, «full solidarity with the Nigerian people and Government in the face of the blind extremism that has targeted defenceless civilians including schoolchildren.»

He also hailed the important role played by Algeria in combating this menace, stressing that Algeria was among the first countries that were hit by terrorism, but it fought it with courage and capability, and today it has become an African and global reference for the fight against terrorism.

President of the Republic went on saying that Africa regrettably suffers from the scourge of drugs because the Kingdom of Morocco exports it as much as it exports expansionism.

«We are talking about reports of organisations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime that has highlighted the risk posed by Moroccan drugs to North Africa. The International Narcotics Control Board has also underlined that between 65% and 72% of the total amount of drugs that were intercepted in the past two years originated from Morocco. The report issued this year by the U.S. Department of State equally underscored that Morocco is the world leading producer and exporter of cannabis,» said Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz. (SPS)
