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British members of Parliament denounce human rights violations in Western Sahara

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London, May 23, 2014 (SPS) - British members of parliament, in a report recapitulating their mission in the Sahrawi occupied territories in February, the recurrent violations of human rights in this part of the world and the looting of natural resources by Morocco and its allies.


In a report entitled “Life under occupation,” four British members of parliament, belonging to "The all-Party parliamentary group", tell the oppression exercised by Morocco on peaceful Sahrawi human rights activists, some of whom are known worldwide for their struggle for the independence of Western Sahara, such as Aminatou Haider.


Other less famous activists like those of Gdeim Izik group, and the conditions in which they were judged and sentenced by a military court were also mentioned by this twenty-page report.


In addition to their own observation, the members of the British delegation drew up their report on the basis of their meetings with representatives of Sahrawi human rights associations, Moroccan authorities, the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) as well as those of local populations.


During their mission in the occupied territories, the British MPs were also interested in the looting of natural resources in this region.


They underlined that the illegal exploitation of the Sahrawi territories’ natural resources by the Moroccan occupying forces and the scarcity of jobs for the Sahrawi people were also the main issue tackled in their meeting in Western Sahara.


The members of the British parliamentary delegation to El Aaiun, the occupied territories of Western Sahara, were Jeremy Corbyn MP, Mark Williams MP, John Gurr, Coordinator APPG, John Hilary Director, War on Want. (SPS)


