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Summer University of SADR Cadres opens in Boumerdes

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Boumerdes (Algeria), Aug 3, 2014 (SPS) - Work of the 5th edition of the Summer University of cadres of the Polisario Front and Saharawi Republic (SADR) opened today morning in the Province of Boumerdes, Algeria, in the presence of 470 participants representing the various national institutions.

Held under the theme “Morocco’s expansion policy and drug, an obstacle to achieve the dream of Maghreb peoples,” the event attended by members of the Polisario Front national Secretariat and Saharawi Government, Algerian politicians, members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Algeria, in addition to 470 Saharawi cadres.

Addressing the audience, President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS) Mr. Said Ayachi said that this summer university is a platform of solidarity with the struggle of the Saharawi people, adding “it is an opportunity to exchange experiences on various topics.

He also renewed, on behalf of members of the (CNASPS), solidarity and support to the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.

Secretary General of Boumerdes Mr. Mohamed Khanfar saluted the resistance of the Saharawi masses in the occupied part of Western Sahara, voicing solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners incarcerated in Moroccan jails.

For his part, the Saharawi Minister of Construction and President of 2014 Summer University Mr. Bullahi Sayad described the event as a “renewing opportunity” for the people of Algeria and SADR to meet and exchange experiences.

Saharawi Ambassador in Algiers Mr. Brahim Ghali declared that the University, which bears the name of Gdeim Izik, constitutes a consecration of Algeria’s brave attitude on Western Sahara issue, thanking Algeria for keeping standing by the side of the Saharawi cause over the course of more than forty years.

He, on other hand, pointed out that the African Union’s appointment of a special envoy for Western Sahara constitutes an important step in the history of the African continent.

It is to be recalled that the participants at Gdeim Izik Summer University will, during 20 days, listen to a total of 23 lectures and presentations on various topics, of which human rights, peaceful resistance, natural resources, and security threats in Maghreb region. (SPS)
