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Dr. Ayachi calls on Moroccan people to stand up for right and justice in Western Sahara

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Boumerdes (Algeria), Aug 3, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Algerian National Committee of Solidarity with the Saharawi People, Dr. Said Ayachi, called Saturday morning in Boumerdes, Algeria, on the Moroccan people to stand up for the right and justice in Western Sahara, so that the Saharawi people would be able to enjoy their rights to self-determination and independence.

“Given the people’s wisdom, responsibility of heads of state and lessons of history, Moroccan brothers are called to join us on the path of honor, right and justice, and thus to work in order that the Saharawi people be able to live freely above their national sovereign territory, as to build a democratic state,” said Dr. Ayachi, in a speech delivered during the opening ceremony of the 5th SADR Cadres Summer University, underway in Boumerdes.

By allowing the Saharawi people to enjoy their rights to self-determination and independence, countries and peoples of the region would be able to establish an Arab Maghreb unity to serve stability, coexistence and prosperity in the region as a whole.

President of the Algeria-Saharawi Committee underlined that Algeria, president, government and people, are committed to support all the liberation issues across the globe, including that of Western Sahara, on the basis of the November 1st Revolution principles and Algeria’s adherence to the requirements of international law.

“The conflict of Western Sahara is not a dispute among Algeria and Morocco, but it is a conflict between a liberation movement, which the Polisario Front, and an occupier power, which is the Kingdom of Morocco,” said Mr. Ayachi, adding that the Frente Polisario is recognized by 150 countries worldwide.

He emphasized, before Saharawi cadres, that the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination is “solid”, recognized by the UN, AU and EU.

He, on other hand, said that the event is a platform of solidarity with the struggle of the Saharawi people, adding “it is a space for the cadres of the Polisario Front and Saharawi Republic to open dialogue and exchange of ideas on various topics.”

The Algerian official denounced the systematic repression, human rights abuses and plunder of Saharawi natural resources carried out by Moroccan occupying authorities against the Saharawi people, emphasizing on the strong resolve by the Saharawis to achieve their sacred goals to live in dignity and freedom. (SPS)
