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Preparatory Committee for Saharawi Social Forum holds its fourth meeting

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Sept 8, 2014, (SPS) - The Preparatory Committee for the Saharawi Social Forum held today at the headquarters of the Association of Families of Saharawi Prisoners and Disappeared (AFAPREDESA) its fourth meeting to view the work of the sub-committees.

The meeting was chaired by the Secretary General of the Saharawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO), Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed Lehabib, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Sahrawi Women Union, Fatma El-Mehdi and representatives of mass organizations, trade unions and civil society actors.

Set within the initial plan issued on 21 June 2014, the meeting meeting listened to the proposed additions and amendments presented by the sub-committees concerning the initial plan submitted by each committee.

It decided to organize local awarness preparatory tours in order to open the discussion on the draft charter of the Saharawi Social Forum for discussion.

The meeting also suggested to delay the establishment of the Saharawi Social Forum until mid-December this year.

It should be noted that the Saharawi Social Forum is an open space for the Saharawi civil society movement to expose the continued violations of human rights and all forms of injustice and oppression perpetuated by Morocco against the Saharawi people.

It also aims to be active part to the global social movements that believe in another world dominated by the values of freedom and the respect for human and people's rights in accordance with the Porto Alegre Charter. (SPS)
