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President of Republic condemns expulsion of Spanish observers from occupied territories of Western Sahara

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Birlehlu (Liberated territories), 15 August, 2014 (SPS) -  The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has condemned the expulsion of Spanish independent observers from the occupied city of Dakhla, Western Sahara, by the Moroccan authorities, in a letter Sunday to the United Nations General Secretary, Ban Ki-moon.


“The Moroccan occupation authorities in the city of Dakhla, southern part of the occupied Western Sahara, expelled Thursday a delegation of independent observers coming from Spain towards the city of Agadir, inside the Kingdom of Morocco,” indicated the President of the Republic in his letter to Mr. Ban Ki-moon.


“Moroccan state of occupation pursues the policies of blockade and restrictions on the occupied territories of Western Sahara, along with the serious violations of human rights, and resorts again to the expulsion of international independent observers, and works hard to prevent them from meeting and communicating with the Sahrawi citizens in general, and human rights defenders in particular,” he added.


In this regard, the President of the Republic reminded of other recent expulsions of international independent observers by the Moroccan authorities, the last of which was a French national “whose only goal was to find out about the situation of human rights in Western Sahara”.


The President of the Republic called the United Nations to intervene urgently to stop the expulsions and to open the occupied territories of Western Sahara for international independent observers. (SPS)