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Moroccan occupying forces intervene aggressively against Saharawi protesters

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El Aaiun (Occupied Territories), Sept 16, 2014 (SPS) - Moroccan occupying forces “aggressively” intervened Monday evening in Smara street in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, against a group of Saharawi protesters were trying to participate in a peaceful protest organized  by Saharawi human rights associations.


According to a Saharawi human right source, this intervention caused many injuries among the Saharawi protesters, including women, human rights defenders and disabled people, and some of them were sent to hospital.


It should be noted that the Moroccan occupying forces dispersed similar peaceful protest that took place in the nearby streets of the occupied El Aaiun.


These aggressive acts occured as the world marks the International Day of Democracy, celebrated on September 15th of each year.


The event is celebrated amid Morocco's continuation to confiscate the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, right to free expression and peaceful protest, enshrined in the international covenants on human rights. (SPS)


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