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Polisario Front representatives to Spain meet to assess annual action plan

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Madrid, Sept 16, 2014 (SPS) - Representatives of the Polisario Front in the Spanish autonomous communities met early this week in Madrid to evaluate the annual plan of action and to put into action the decisions taken by the recent session of the National Secretariat of the Frente Polisario.

The diplomats denounced the “negative and irresponsible” way of dealing from the part of Morocco with the efforts of the United Nations (UN) to find a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara.

Chaired by Polisario Front Representative to Spain, the meeting put forward a range of concrete steps to deplore the policy of ban on Mr. Christopher Ross, new head of the MINURSO and African Union envoy for Western Sahara.

It also decided to start pushing the political forces and civil society organizations in Spain towards working for the protection of human rights in Western Sahara and opening the territory for international observers.

They also agreed to intensify efforts for the success of the forthcoming events, of which the 39th conference of the EUCOCO, to be held in the end of this year in Madrid. (SPS)
