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President of Republic demands cease of repressive practices against Sahrawi civilians

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Birlehlu, September 22, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz has urged the international community to immediately intervene and impose all necessary pressure and sanctions on the Moroccan State in order to put an end to the increasing repressive practices against the Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. 
In a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the President of the Republic indicated that on September 15, various Moroccan forces carried out a new brutal intervention against a peaceful demonstration, organized by masses of the Sahrawi population in Smara Street, Dadash Street and Matallah Neighbourhood in the city of Elaaiun , the capital of the occupied Western Sahara, demanding to enable the Saharawi people of their legitimate rights to self-determination and independence. 
 Moroccan forces as usual used their violent methods of beatings with sticks and batons, chasing the demonstrators in the streets, arresting, detaining and torturing them, resulting in a number of Sahrawi victims, he added.  
 The President of the Republic brought to attention similar interventions against peaceful demonstrations in the occupied cities of Boujdour and Dakhala, under siege and intensive military and security deployment, resulted in many casualties among the Sahrawi civilians. 
He also reminded of exposure of Saharawi political prisoners in the Black Jail in the occupied city of Elaaiun to torture, degrading treatment and threat by Moroccan police officers in the prison.
The President of the Republic demanded the release of all Sahrawi political prisoners, revealing the whereabouts of the disappeared, halting the plunder of Sahrawi natural resources, removal of the Moroccan military wall and creation of a UN mechanism for monitoring and reporting on Human rights in Western Sahara. (SPS)