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Algeria welcomes with “satisfaction” adoption of UN resolution on decolonization in Western

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Algiers, Oct 16, 2014 (SPS) - Algeria has welcomed with “satisfaction” the adoption, Tuesday, by UN General Assembly’s Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) of a resolution on Western Sahara, reiterating United Nations’ commitment to the completion of the decolonization process in Western Sahara, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria, Abdelaziz Benali Cherif, said Wednesday.

In the resolution, the Fourth Committee “clearly reaffirms international community’s total commitment to the strict respect of Western Sahara people’s unalienable right to self-determination and independence, in line with the principles of the United Nations Charter and Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, relating to the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, as well as relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council,” the spokesman of the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the Algerian Press Service (APS).

As a neighbouring country and the official observer of the settlement process, Algeria, “which will continue to bring its contribution to the decolonization process of Western Sahara, renews its support to the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his personal envoy for a solution based on Western Sahara people’s free exercise of their right to self-determination.”

Algeria calls the two parties to the conflict, namely Morocco and the Polisario Front, “to continue efforts under the aegis of the United Nations to reach, through direct negotiations and without preconditions, a political, just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution to the conflict in the interest of the Moroccan and Saharawi brother peoples and Maghreb populations,” the Algerian official concluded. (SPS)
