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Polisario Front "deeply concerned" about current stalemate situation in Western Sahara decolonization process

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Shaheed ElHafed, January 6, 2015 (SPS) - The National Secretariat of the Polisario Front is "deeply" concerned about the current stalemate situation as result of the Moroccan intransigence and defiance to the United Nations to find a just and lasting solution to the conflict in Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa, said a statement following the 10th Ordinary Session of the National Secretariat, held Sunday and Monday, chaired by President of Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz.


 The National Secretariat also condemned the Moroccan obstacles to the efforts of the UN Secretary General, including the refusal to receive his Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, as well as allowing the Special Representative to assume his duties as the head of MINURSO since his appointment last August.


  "The Saharawi people and the international community cannot accept such threat to expel MINURSO to maintain the Moroccan illegal occupation, repression and plunder of the natural resources of Western Sahara," added the source.


 The National Secretariat warned against the danger of drug trafficking from Morocco, the largest producer and exporter of cannabis worldwide, which represents a threat to stability in the region and an encouragement of organized crime and terrorist groups.


 In this respect, the National Secretariat reiterated the availability of the Saharawi party to fight against this phenomenon in the context of its international obligations under the African Union, reiterating its support for the AU efforts in this context and the search for appropriate solutions to the existing conflicts in the Sahel region.


It also praised the efforts made by Algeria to the peaceful resolution of crises in Libya and Mali. (SPS)

