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WSAF starts campaign for incorporation of human rights component within MINURSO

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London, Feb 22, 2015 (SPS) - The Western Sahara Action Forum (WSAF) on Thursday began a campaign pressurizing the UN Security Council to fulfill its responsibility to supervise a free and fair referendum that will allow the Sahrawi people to express their inalienable right to self-determination.

With the annual renewal of its mandate due in April, WSAF wants to call on the MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) to keep the peace by protecting the Sahrawis from human rights abuses.

The report calls for the inclusion of the provision of independent, impartial, comprehensive, and sustained monitoring of human rights, both in Western Sahara and in the refugee camps, within MINURSO prerogatives.

The Forum has prepared two reports under the titles “crimes without a witness” and “stolen future” documenting the violations of human rights and natural resources plunder since April 2014. (SPS)
