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EU deplores difficulty of access to occupied Saharawi territories

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Brussels, March 11, 2015 (SPS) - The European Union (EU) deplored, through the voice of its High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, the obstacles encountered by the different organizations, in particular those defending human rights, as well as the European parliamentarians wishing to go to the occupied Saharawi territories.

In his reply to European parliamentarians on this question, Mogherini broached the “difficulty met by some international organisations and parliamentarian delegations, including the members of the European Parliament and the human rights organizations, to get to the occupied Sahrawi territories.”

In this regard, she underlined that EU is “in favour of a constructive approach and dialogue on sensitive issues.”

As a reminder, the final declaration of the 39th European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People (EUCOCO), held in November in Madrid, underlined the difficulty faced by the various international organisations when carrying out their tasks in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. (SPS)
