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US delegation starts visit in Saharawi refugee camps

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 Shaheed Elhafed (Refugee Camps), March 21, 2015 (SPS) - A delegation of the United States of America began Saturday a working visit to the Saharawi refugee camps, where they will meet with Sahrawi authorities and visit the institutions of the Saharawi people.


 The delegation led by famous lawyer Alan Smith will also meet with officials of the Polisario Front and the Saharawi government in and visit public institutions, the National Museum of Resistance and the Association of Families of Saharawi prisoners and disappeared (AFAPREDESA).


This visit will enable the delegation to discuss with the Saharawi party the latest developments related to the question of Western Sahara, the situation of refugees and the institutions of the SADR during the various stages of the visit and hold meetings with Sahrawi officials including the the Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar. (SPS)

