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Human rights in Western Sahara must be within MINURSO mandate, says former UN official

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Shaheed Elhafed, March 25, 2015 (SPS) - Former commander of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), General Kurt Mosgaard, affirmed that the supervision of the Human Rights in Western Sahara must be within the mandate of the MINURSO.



 General Kurt Mosgaard who was the guest of the Western Sahara Intergroup in the European Parliament, called for respect for human rights in Western Sahara "which is still a colony."



In his presentation to the participants in a meeting, he recalled that the mission assigned to MINURSO is the organization of the referendum.


He also recalled the danger of mines (estimated at 6.5 million units) along and around the 2300km wall, built by Moroccan forces and divided the territory of Western Sahara.


 Concerning the humanitarian aid to Sahrawi refugees, former Commander of MINURSO denied that "humanitarian aid was diverted by Sahrawis as he himself made inspection tours on the ground while he was commander of MINURSO. "


 In regard to human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara by Morocco, he confirmed that "MINURSO could not meet the Saharawi prisoners, attend demonstration or meet with local people."


 He underlined that finding a just and peaceful solution to the Western Sahara conflict positive and beneficial for Europe, criticizing the European Union for not becoming involved in the search for such a solution.


 On the subject of the natural resources of Western Sahara, he stressed the need to attach to the legal opinion of Hans Corell of 2002, which states that the exploitation of these resources is illegal under international law. (SPS)

