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SADR attends joint meeting of AU Finance Ministers and UN Economic Commission for Africa

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Addis Ababa, April 1, 2015 (SPS) - The Saharawi Republic (SADR) participated for the first time in the joint meeting of the African Union Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and the UN Economic Commission for Africa, closed Tuesday at UNECA Conference Center in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

SADR was represented by an important delegation headed by Mr. Mohamed Lamin Ahmed, member of the Polisario Front National Secretariat in charge of public treasury, and composed of Mr. Lamine Baali, ambassador in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the AU, Omar Baardi, first secretary of SADR embassy in Ethiopia, and Wadadi Salek, cultural and media attaché to SADR permanent mission to the AU.

“The Saharawi people, who have sacrificed so much for the supreme interests of the continent, feel an urgent need to the role of a united and prestigious Africa in defending their legitimate rights to dignity and independence,” stated Mr. Mohamed Lamin Ahmed.

With regard to the African Agenda 2063, the official voiced Saharawi Government’s support to Agenda’s adjectives and goals, calling for a speedy implementation of the interim agenda “Africa 2020” on the completion of decolonization process, liberate the continent from the remnants of colonialism and silencing the guns.

The delegation held, on the sidelines of the meeting, talks with the President of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes. (SPS)
