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Demonstration of solidarity with Takbar Haddi in Argentina

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Buenos Aires, May 31, 2015 (SPS) - Argentina has joined the international solidarity campaign with Takbar Haddi, who has entered her 18th day of hunger strike in front of the Moroccan consulate in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), to demand justice for her son killed by Moroccan settlers and police.

In addition to the Argentina Committee of Friendship with the Saharawi people, the Saharawi La Plata Friendship Committee, Las Madres Plaza de Mayo L.F , Argentina League for Human Rights and médicos del Mundo have also joined the campaign.

The before-mentioned Argentine organizations voiced their support to the international campaign: “JUSTICIA PARA HAIDALA!”, expressing solidarity with the struggle of Takbar Haddi, mother of the murdered young Saharawi Mohamed Lamin Haidala.

They also called for a neutral and impartial investigation into the assassination of Mohamed Lamin Haidala, demanding to return his remains. (SPS)
