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Western Sahara is still bleeding under the complicit silence of the UN and Spain

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Chahid El Hafed, 06/16/2015 (SPS) .- The mother of the martyr Mohamed Lamine Haddi has done yesterday a month of hunger strike in front of the Moroccan consulate in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria under the indifference of the UN. Her health is consumed slowly without any gesture of compassion comes from neither Rabat, nor Madrid, nor New York.

MINURSO, United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, continues to cost to the international community more than 60 million dollars a year without holding the referendum for which it was created. It is not interested either in the human situation of the population of the territory in which it is installed for more than 23 years. Its order is maintaining the status quo and silence on the exactions of Morocco and its arrogance.

UN, Morocco and Spain contemplate without the slightest pity the dramatic situation of Takbar Haddi, the mother of Mohamed Lamine Haidala, as contemplated without the slightest remorse Essima Buseif pain, the mother of Hasanna Eluali, killed last September in Dakhla jail, or that of Jira Ahmed, Said Dambar's mother, executed in cold blood by Moroccan police on his way home.

Mohamed Lamine Haidala is the last case of the murders perpetrated by Morocco in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. Other crimes are still being committed daily. Gratuitous violence, rape, torture and arbitrary arrests are the daily bread of Sahrawis who dare to claim fundamental rights as freedom of opinion, expression and self-determination right.

Western Sahara bleed under the accomplice silence of the UN, theoretically only legal authority of Western Sahara being a non-autonomous territory waiting for decolonization, and the disinterest of Spain, the administrative power de jure and first responsible of the drama that lives these people since 40 years. What are awaiting the protagonists of this conflict to react? The worst happens? God help this poor mother who said his son asks her for justice in her dreams. SPS

