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UK government taken to court for its illegal importations from Western Sahara

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London, 5 july 2015 (SPS) .- Western Sahara Campaign has decided to take the British Government to court in order to challenge the illegal trade in goods from Western Sahara, reported yesterday Western Sahara Campain NGO.


According to an information reported on its monthly magazine “Sahara Analysis”, WSC has already “a date for the hearing – 14th & 15h July, in which the Court will review Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom's treatment of products originating in Western Sahara being imported into the United Kingdom as Moroccan for the purposes of the EU – Morocco Association Agreement and the Department for Food and Rural Affairs' granting licences to fish in the territories of Western Sahara under the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Morocco”.


“As a small, volunteer run campaign, taking the UK Government to court is not a decision we have taken lightly. But it is now almost 40 years since Morocco occupied the Western Sahara, and the Saharawi were forced into exile in Algeria. Their cause has never been well known in the UK but since the 1970s the WSC has carried out valuable research, shared information, publicised their cause and co-ordinated political action in the corridors of power. However this has not been enough and the longer the occupation of Western Sahara continues the more entrenched it becomes. The international community and the UN has consistently failed in its legal duty to make sure that the Saharawi can express their inalienable right to self-determination. We have decided that we must do something extraordinary to help the Saharawi get their country back” argued WSC. SPS