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Polisario Front calls on the UN to end inertia state that characterizes its peace plan

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Chahid El Hafed, August 14, 2015 (SPS) .- Polisario Front calls on UN to end inertia state that characterizes UN peace process and to set a date for the organization of self-determination referendum.


In a press release on the regular session of the National Secretariat held between 12 and 13 August, Polisario Front called on the UN to end the state of inertia which characterizes the current situation, to restart the peace process and to set a date for the organization of self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people.


Highest authority of the Saharawi liberation movement also reiterated the availability of the Saharawi party to cooperate with the UN in its efforts to resolve Western Sahara conflict. This cooperation must be placed in a clear context based on the peace plan drawn up by the UN and the AU in 1991, and all that it implies for MINURSO in matter of independence, freedom of movement and contact with the population of Western Sahara occupied territories as well as an equal treatment with the parties in conflict, and foremost, pursue the terms of its main mission which is the celebration of the self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people . SPS

