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By joining Geneva Convention, POLISARIO has better arguments to advocate for the referendum (lawyer)

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Geneva, August 26, 2015 (SPS) - By being recognized by Geneva Convention, the Frente Polisario gets better arguments to advocate for the need to conduct a referendum, said Dr. Anne Peters, Professor of International Law at the Swiss University of Basel.

For the international lawyer, the Polisario Front has now better arguments to advocate for the need to organize a vote on Western Sahara’s future.

“Being recognized by the Geneva Convention, the status of the Polisario has improved. It can now appear as the official representative of the population of Western Sahara and their right to self-determination. This what the Saharawis have been demanding for decades at the UN, but the referendum the UN wanted to conduct is still blocked by Morocco,” added Peters, in a statement published by the SRF1 Radio on August 20, 2015.

The Swiss decision has angered Rabat who protested, in a “not very diplomatic letter addressed to Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter.

“Internationally, the Polisario Front could in the future have better cards,” concludes the Swiss radio. (SPS)
