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Moroccan court sets date for trial of Sahrawi political prisoner Embarek Dawdi

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 Agadir (Morocco), 13 Sept 2015 (SPS) - The Moroccan Court in Agadir has set 27 October, for the trial of Sahrawi political prisoner Embarek Dawdi, according to the Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad.


 The setting of the date comes after Embarek Dawdi proceeded Tuesday on a hunger strike for 48 hours.


The family of the Political prisoner reported that he was transferred to the court of appeal in the city where the Moroccan police told him that he was followed on a criminal case and the above mentioned date was set for him to appearance before the court without telling him the nature of the charges against him. 


Embarek Dawdi was arrested on 29 September 2013, at his home before he was referred to the military court for a period of about 17 months, to be referred then to the court of first instance which sentenced his to three months in prison and soon doubled to six months, prior to he was followed on a criminal case after the military court completed following him. (SPS)

