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Polisario Front delegation on working visit in Norway

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 Oslo (Norway) 2 October 2015 (SPS) A delegation of the Polisario Front led by the Saharawi coordinator with MINURSO, M'Hamed Khaddad, accompanied by the Polisario Front representative in Norway, Dr. Limam Khalil, conducted Wednesday and Thursday a working visit in Norway, indicated a Sahrawi diplomatic source in Norway. 


 The Saharawi delegation was received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. During its stay, the Polisario delegation held meetings with several political parties, trade unions and Norwegian civil society.


 The meetings focused on the current impasse of the negotiation process between the parties to the conflict, the Polisario Front and Morocco, and the potential role of Norway in order to put pressure on Morocco to comply with international law and respect the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination in accordance with relevant the UN Security Council resolutions and General Assembly.

 Mr. Khadad briefed his interlocutors on the latest developments of the decolonization process of Western Sahara, including the obstacles erected by Morocco in this peace process and its rejection of any solution to enable the Saharawi people to exercise their legitimate right to self-determination and independence.


 The situation of human rights, especially the serious ongoing violations by Morocco since its occupation of Western Sahara in October 1975 and the international campaign for the release of the Group and Gdeim Izik and all Saharawi political prisoners still languishing in Moroccan prisons, were also addressed by the Saharawi diplomat.


Regarding the natural resources of Western Sahara and its illegal exploitation by Morocco, Mr. Khadad welcomed the initiatives of Norway calling on Norwegian companies to stop its investments and activities in occupied Western Sahara. (SPS)

