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United Nations called to hold a referendum for Saharawi people before it is too late, says Bujari Ahmed

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New York (United Nations), October 14, 2015 (SPS) – the Polisario Front representative to the United Nations Organization, Tuesday Mr. Bujari Ahmed, has called Morocco to cooperate with the United Nations for peace in Western Sahara on the basis of international legitimacy and the decisions of the General Assembly and the UN Security Council relevant to, requesting the international organization to organize the self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people before it is too late. "The Moroccan occupying power of our country poses a permanent threat to the peace in the region, thus Morocco must cooperate with MINURSO to fulfill its mandate before it's too late" the Saharawi UN representative added. The Saharwi diplomat said in his intervention to the Fourth Committee of the 70th Session of the General Assembly of the UN that “the Saharawi people believe that the UN "has the means to avoid extension of the horror that we see daily in some countries of North Africa and the Middle East to our region.” "We must, the two parties of the conflict, with your help and encouragement, join our efforts to work for peace on the basis of the international law within the framework of the UN. " Bujari insisted. (SPS) 125/090/TRA