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"Polisario leads struggle against Moroccan occupation and not conflict with brotherly Moroccan people" (NS Bureau)

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Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee camps), 8 Feb 2016 (SPS) The Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front affirmed that the Sahrawi people leads a liberation struggle against the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara and not a conflict with the brotherly Moroccan people, in a statement following its meeting Sunday chaired by the President of Republic, Secretary General of the Front Polisario, Mohamed Abdelaziz.


The Bureau warned against "these dreadful policies to involve Amazigh component in the middle of an unjust conflict, through the falsification of the facts and events and by linking the tragic death of a student to the expansionist war waged by the Moroccan regime against the Saharawi people".


It condemned the intransigence and obstruction carried out by the Moroccan State, the last of which was the provocative visit of the King of Morocco to the Sahrawi occupied territories and what preceded and accompanied the visit of repression and intimidation against the defenseless Sahrawi people.


The Bureau denounced repression of Sahrawi demonstrators demanding their political, economic and social rights, guaranteed by international conventions and treaties, particularly the right to self-determination and independence.


It reiterated the call of the Polisario Front for expanding the prerogatives of the UN mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for the protection and respect of human rights in Western Sahara, and the immediate cessation of intensive looting of natural resources of the territory by the Kingdom of Morocco.


It also demanded the release of Saharawi political prisoners, including the group Gdeim Izik, Mbarek Daoudi, Yahia Mohamed Hafed, and all Saharawi political prisoners still languishing in Moroccan prisons, and dismantlement of the Moroccan wall of shame and shed light on the fate of more than 651 disappeared Saharawis at the hands of Morocco. (SPS)

