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German Bundestag denounces human rights violations in Western Sahara

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Berlin, Feb 22, 2016 (SPS) - A debate in support to the Sahrawi people in their struggle for their right to self-determination has been held recently at the German Bundestag (lower house of Parliament), to denounce the denial of Sahrawi people's right and to show the world the suffering of the people of Western Sahara, reported German media.


Initiated by a group of deputies of political parties represented within the German Bundestag, the meeting was marked by the screening of the feature film "The Last Colony- The Forgotten People of Western Sahara" in presence of its director Germany's Christian Gropper.


The film highlighted the deep causes of the Western Sahara conflict, which has lasted several decades, and showed the colonial nature of Morocco.


It also depicts the reality of Moroccan occupation, through deeply moving testimonies and images, particularly those of the repression that followed the Intifada of Gdeim Ezik.


The film also denounces the violations of Sahrawi people's human rights and sheds light on their suffering, as well as the plundering of the natural resources of Western Sahara by the occupier (Morocco).


In addition, it denounces the silence of the international community and the complicity of some players with the Moroccan occupier.


A debate with film director and the German deputies who attended the screening, in presence of academics and human rights activist, represented by the German association "Freiheit für die WestSahara" (Freedom for Western Sahara). (SPS)

