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Sahrawi women commemorate March 8 double anniversary

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Chahid El Hafid, March 08, 2016 (SPS) - Saharawi women Today celebrate, just like any other women in the world, International Women's Day, the day on which multiple layers of women in the United States came out to demand better conditions for women and the reduction of working hours and stop child labor, and granting women the right to vote.

The United Nations has issued a 1977 resolution calling for the world to adopt any day of the year that women choose to celebrate; so the majority of states choose the eighth of March, turning it into a symbol of the struggle of women.

The celebration of International Women’s Day in Saharawi Republic coincides with the same day the Saharawi people commemorates the anniversary of the fall of the first martyr of the POLISARIO Front is a “coincidence with deep significances.

In this regard, the secretariat of the political organization decided to organize festivals at the national level to commemorate the two anniversaries. SPS

