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Polisario Front: MINURSO main mission is to organize referendum on future of Sahrawi people

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Shaheed Al Hafed, 26 October 2020 (SPS) - The Permanent Office of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front has reaffirmed that the main mission of MINURSO remains to organize a referendum to determine the future of the Sahrawi people in accordance with the United Nations-African Union settlement plan of 1991.
In a statement culminating its meeting, on Sunday, chaired by President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, the Permanent Office stressed that the Polisario Front as the sole legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people still attached to what it had signed and expected the United Nations to fulfill that promise, and will not accept any distortion or alteration of it, nor any change to the legal nature of Western Sahara.
In this context, the Permanent Office expressed its astonishment at the infiltration of the Moroccan occupier’s fallacies into the discourse and letter of the United Nations, leading it to a dangerous direction that transforms MINURSO from a peace-keeping force that performs a noble mission aimed at creating the appropriate conditions for conducting a UN-AU political process to decolonize the last African colony to a mechanism that contributes to perpetuating and legitimizing colonialism.
It stated that the leakage of such fallacies into the discourse and letter of the United Nations turns the MINURSO mission into a mechanism that contributes to facilitating the plunder of the natural resources of a territory under the direct responsibility of the United Nations, whose people has not yet been able to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.
The Permanent Office reiterated its strong condemnation to the provocative practices of the Moroccan occupation state, especially in the occupied parts of the SADR, holding the United Nations responsible for putting an end to these colonial policies that increasingly threaten peace and stability in the entire region. (SPS)