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Moroccan occupation authorities issues unjust sentences against two Saharawi activists and journalists

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El Aaiún (occupied capital of SADR), Sept 06, 2018 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities issued Wednesday unfair sentences against two Saharawi activists, the journalists Mohamed Salem Mayara and Mohamed al-Ghali, sentencing from six months to 18 months of suspension.
The two Saharawi journalists were condemned by the so-called Moroccan Court of First Instance in occupied El Aaiún.
The two political prisoners and bloggers Mohammed Salem Mayara and Mohammed Al-Ghali denied all charges against them, complained of ill-treatment, pointing out in this context that they were arrested for their work as bloggers and media activists in the Smara correspondent network News and their position of defense of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.
Concerning the sentences to the two Sahrawi journalists, the Spanish jurist Inés Miranda, member of the Spanish General Council of Lawyers, present in numerous proceedings against Sahrawis, told EFE that in the case there are no other evidentiary elements and that the accusation has been limited to the police diligence.
Morocco continues to close access to the territory to international observers, vetoing the entrance to lawyers, parliamentarians, onges of HHRR, keeping with its informational blockade to the OOTT of Western Sahara and placating any voice that claims to the right of the Saharawi to a Free Western Sahara.SPS