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Polisario Front takes part in 7th Congress of Namibian SWAPO party

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Windhoek (Namibia), 26 November 2022 (SPS) - A delegation representing the Polisario Front participated in the 7th Congress of the Namibian SWAPO party, held in the capital, Windhoek, from 24 to 28 November.
During the opening session, President Hage Geingob reiterated in his speech his party's principled and firm position on the struggle of the Sahrawi people, expressing his absolute and unconditional solidarity with the struggle of the Sahrawi people for freedom and national independence.
The Polisario Front is represented at the 7th conference Congress of the SWAPO party by Member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Ambassador to South Africa, Mr. Mohamed Yaslem Beisat, who conveyed in his speech to the Congress the greetings and congratulations of President Brahim Ghali, the leadership of the Polisario Front and the government of the Sahrawi Republic, expressing his sincere wishes for the success of the 7th Congress of the SWAPO party.
Mr. Mohamed Yaslem Beisat recalled the historical struggle relations that the Polisario  Front and SWAPO as well as the Sahrawi Republic and Namibia have always had during the joint struggle against colonialism and apartheid, expressing his deep thanks to Namibia, SWAPO and President Hage Geingob for their constant solidarity and firm position on the struggle of Sahrawi people, which today is going through a decisive historical stage that will inevitably lead to independence and the completion of the sovereignty of the Sahrawi Republic over all its national territory.
On the sidelines of the Congress, Mr. Mohamed Yaslem Beisat met with Namibian personalities and foreign delegations participating in the Congress and representing various political parties and movements friendly to the SWAPO party.