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Sahrawi government condemns prevention of Sahrawi journalist from entering occupied city of El Aaiun

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Shaheed Al Hafed, 14 November 2022 (SPS) - The Sahrawi government condemned, on Sunday, what it considered a "criminal act" against Sahrawi journalist Mohamed Salem Busharaya, who was deported by the Moroccan occupation from the occupied city of El-Aaiun, after arriving there from the Canary Islands, despite his deteriorating health condition, stressing that it was "irresponsible behaviour".
The Sahrawi government, in a statement issued by the Ministry of Information, held the Makhzen government "fully responsible for the life and safety of journalist Mohamed Salem Bushraya," noting that in addition to the "criminal record" of the Moroccan occupation authorities, a "deplorable crime" took place on Saturday against "one of the best Sahrawi journalists, without any regard for his health condition."
The statement recalled that the Moroccan occupation had deported Mohamed Salem Bushraya, a member of the Association of Sahrawi Journalists and Writers in Europe, who was very old "an hour and a half after his arrival to his family (...) without regard to the most basic standards of morals and human values", knowing that he arrived on a plane from the Spanish Canary Islands.
In this regard, the Sahrawi government called on the international community to "mobilize against these inhumane acts", as the Makhzen occupation persists in its arbitrary policies against the legitimate rights of the Sahrawi people.