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President Brahim Ghali meets intellectual figures and civil society activists in Cape Town

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Cape Town (South Africa), October 20, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Brahim Ghali, received political and intellectual figures and civil society activists on the third day of his state visit to the brotherly country of South Africa.
Mr. Brahim Ghaim briefed, during the meeting which took place at the President's residence in Cape Town, his guests on the Sahrawi issue since the beginning of the foreign colonization of Western Sahara, referring to the conspiracies against the Sahrawi people and the denial of their right to live in dignity and freedom in their independent state.
He added, addressing South African political and intellectual figures and civil society activists , “the Sahrawi people resisted the foreign colonizer, and when they became close to freedom, they were subjected to a tripartite conspiracy on October 31, 1975, and since that time, the Sahrawi people is in direct confrontation with the Moroccan occupation until 1991. But, unfortunately after 30 years as and a result of procrastination, lack of seriousness of the international community and Moroccan intransigence, the Sahrawi people found themselves forced to resume their armed struggle on November 13, 2020”.
President Ghali continued saying “we are now at war with the Moroccan occupation and we will continue to struggle by all legitimate means until independence”.
The South African political and intellectual figures and civil society activists renewed their unconditional support for the Saharawi cause, assuring to continue solidarity and sensitizing on the Saharawi cause in African and international forums and to gain more support for the benefit of the Saharawi people and their just cause.