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South African Parliament renews its accompaniment to the Sahrawi people until independence

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Cape Town (South Africa), October 20, 2022 (SPS) – The Chairperson of The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation Mr. Supra Mahumapelo, renewed the Parliament's accompaniment to the Sahrawi people until independence.
In his intervention during the working session held at the parliament headquarters with President Brahim Ghali and his accompanying delegation, Supra Mahumapelo renewed his legislative body's accompaniment to the Sahrawi people and their just cause, noting that this stems from the positions of the State of South Africa and its support for the Sahrawi people to confront colonialism.
The Chairperson of The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation added, "Your cause is our cause and your victory is ours. One day, the Sahrawi people will triumph over the illegal occupation."
He also pointed out that the African National Congress, in all its seminars, takes decisions and recommendations in favor of the Saharawi cause, adding, "We believe that your insistence on self-determination and independence will be crowned with success."
Mr. Supra Mahumapelo clarified that it is important to form a parliamentary committee for solidarity and defense of the Sahrawi people in international forums, stressing "We will not allow the Sahrawi people to be subjected to persecution and we will force the African Union and the United Nations to take practical steps to end the suffering."
The Chairperson of The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation concluded by saying, "The Sahrawi people have been denied their right, and you only have to continue to escalate the struggle," calling on Spain to assume its historical responsibilities towards the Sahrawi issue.