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Venezuela advocates for the full implementation of the mandate of UN Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara

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New York (United Nations) 12 October 2022 (SPS)- The Deputy Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the UN, Amb. Joaquin Perez Ayestaran, affirmed Yesterday before the UN 4th Committee that his country advocates for the full implementation of the mandate of the UN Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara, MINURSO.
“We advocate a peaceful, just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution to the question of Western Sahara, based on the provisions of the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, and we hope for the success of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General in his efforts in favor of the reactivation of the political process, with direct negotiations between the parties, as well as the full implementation of the mandate entrusted to MINURSO,” he said.
Venezuela, he adds, “reaffirms the firm support and unwavering solidarity of Venezuela for the just cause of the Saharawi people, who continue to fight with determination for their right to self-determination.” (SPS)
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