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Bolivia calls for the resumption of negotiation and the upholding of Saharawi right to self-determination

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New York (United Nations) 12 October 2022 (SPS)- The Deputy Permanent Representative of Bolivia to the UN,  Marcelo Zambrana-Torrelio, called Yesterday before the UN Fourth Committee for the resumption of negotiations between Polisario Front and Morocco, and the upholding of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination,
“Concerning Western Sahara, Bolivia hopes that, with the participation of all the parties involved, it will be possible to reach a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, based on the respective resolutions of the General Assembly and Security Council resolution 2494,” he said.
Bolivia “urges the parties to respect the ceasefire and to resume negotiations through dialogue, without preconditions, in good faith, and in the framework of a true spirit of compromise, in order to consolidate the right of the Sahrawi people to decide their future.” (SPS)
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