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The President of Venezuela receives the credentials of the new ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic

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Caracas (Venezuela) August 30, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, received the credentials of the new Ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ali Rguibi.
The ceremony of the presentation of credentials took place at the presidential palace, where the honorary salute was given to the new ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic.
Mr. Mohamed Salem Ali Rguibi was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, pursuant to a presidential decree issued by the President of the Republic, the Secretary-General of the Front, Mr. Ibrahim Ghali recently at the level of the diplomatic corps, succeeding Mr. Mohamed Salem Daha, who was appointed for other mission.
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The new Ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic handed over, yesterday, a copy of the credentials to the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carlos Rafael Faria.
It is worth mentioning that the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro held a farewell ceremony for Sahrawi Ambassador Mohamed Salem Daha, following the end of his mission as ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic to the Venezuelan Bolivarian Republic, where Mr. Nicolas Maduro renewed his country's "support and absolute solidarity with the Sahrawi people's struggle for self-determination and independence."
During the farewell ceremony, President Maduro awarded the diplomat, Mohamed Salem Daha, the first degree of the Order of Francisco de Miranda, praising the work of the Sahrawi diplomat during the years he spent in Venezuela”.
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