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Health Minister reaffirms the need to get vaccinated to prevent coronavirus

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Chahid El-Hafed, July 28, 2021 (SPS) - The Minister of Public Health, Ms. Jira Bulahi Abad, reaffirmed t Wednesday “the need to vaccinate as many of the population as possible to prevent the spread of of the COVID-19 pandemic ”.
Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the government meeting, Jira Bulahi considered that "vaccination and respect for prevention measures are the best ways to face this pandemic and achieve herd immunity."
In this sense, the Minister of Health also emphasized the need to “respect social distancing, always wear a mask and avoid circulation unless it is for emergencies, praising the role of health professionals for their efforts to do in the face of this pandemic ”.
Regarding the current situation of the pandemic in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps, the Sahrawi official reported that in recent days more than one hundred new cases have been detected, eighteen of which are under permanent observation at the “Bachir Saleh Health Complex ", And called for" concerted efforts to overcome this health crisis through caution and strict compliance with the measures and actions designed for its prevention. " SPS