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48th anniversary of Polisario Front creation: International support to Sahrawi people’s struggle

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Pretoria, 23 May 2021 (SPS) - The signatories to an international Declaration (Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean) expressed their strong support to the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in their fight to recover their sovereignty over the Sahrawi territory, calling to take an active part in the first tri-continental meeting of solidarity with the Sahrawi people, scheduled for December in Algiers.
At the end of a meeting held Saturday by video conference, in tribute to the struggle of the Sahrawi people and the celebration of the 48th anniversary of the creation of Polisario Front, the signatories to this international declaration expressed their “strong support to the Polisario Front and SADR in their fight to recover and exercise their sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara which belongs to the Sahrawi people.”
“We support the struggle for the liberation, independence and decolonization of Western Sahara conducted by the Sahrawi people and led by their only and legitimate representative the Polisario Front,” they said.
The signatories affirmed “their support to the decision of the Sahrawi people to resume the liberation war in the face of the aggression and the unilateral violation of the ceasefire by Morocco, to ensure their right of existence, the recovery of the whole of the territory, the expulsion of the colonialist invader and the protection of the Sahrawi population in the illegally occupied territories.”
In their declaration, the signatories affirmed that “the international solidarity of the African and Latin-American people and the peoples of all the continents with the just struggle of the Sahrawi people for self-determination and independence is today an ethical/moral and juridical necessity dictated by their commitment to respecting the international law,” reiterating their commitment to increasing efforts to support their liberating struggle until the total recovery of all their inalienable right to independence. (SPS)