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Open to dialogue, Polisario Front says to pursue armed struggle

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Bir Lahlou (SADR Liberated Territories), 19 November 2020 (SPS) - Secretary General of the Ministry of Security and Documentation of the Government of the Arab Republic Sahrawi Democratic (RASD), Sid Ould Oukal, affirmed that the Polisario Front keeps the doors of dialogue open, but will pursue the armed struggle which has resumed irreversibly and without interruption."
The Sahrawi official told a news conference on Tuesday that the Polisario Front had announced the resumption of the armed struggle to liberate the territories occupied by Morocco "without exception, no distinction whatsoever," with reference to the Moroccan attempt to focus on the illegal breach of El Guerguerat.
He added that the MINURSO “has not only failed to implement its commitments contained in the UN-AU Settlement Plan, but has become the guardian of the ceasefire which constitutes only one section of this Plan."
Ould Oukal said that the Polisario Front which "has had enough with the Moroccan obsession and UN incapacity to impose itself against the enemy, keeps the doors of dialogue wide open "on condition that the military struggle continues, after its irreversible resumption and without interruption.” (SPS)