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8th Congress of Sahrawi Women: Foreign delegations assert support to Sahrawi people's struggle

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Awsard (Refugee Camps) - February 24, 2019 (SPS) -The foreign delegations participating in the 8th Congress of the National Union of Sahrawi Women (NUSW) expressed their full support and solidarity with the Sahrawi people's just struggle and their right to self-determination and independence.
The representatives of delegation from South Africa, Cuba and Namibia, Italy, Switzerland, Syria, Germany, India, as well as various associations and political parties, reiterated in their interventions their principled support for the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination and independence, commending the pioneering role of Sahrawi women in the phase of liberation and construction.
They saluted the peaceful struggle of Sahrawi women in the occupied territories Western Sahara, southern Morocco, and Sahrawi refugee camps, condemning the media siege repression against Sahrawi women by the Moroccan occupation forces. (SPS)