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President of Republic calls on UN to open urgent investigation into murder circumstances of Saharawi citizen by Morocco

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Bir-Lehlou, February 29, 2016 (SPS) The President of the Republic, SG of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, called on the United Nations to open an urgent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the assassination of nomadic Saharawi Shamad Bad Djouli by Moroccan bullets.


"We are writing urgently to inform you about the latest dangerous developments following the fatal shooting perpetrated by the Moroccan royal forces deployed along the wall of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara, which claimed the life of Sahrawi citizen Shmad Bad Djouli," said the President of the Republic in a message to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.


The President stated that the killing of unarmed Sahrawi citizen in an area under the responsibility of the United Nations, represents "a serious crime and a violation of UN peace efforts in Western Sahara, which requires firmness and rigor from the highest international body. "


President Mohamed Abdelaziz called on the UN to assume its full responsibility, being the guarantor of the UN settlement plan in Western Sahara and the cease-fire signed by the parties to the conflict, the Polisario Front and Morocco, under the UN auspices on 6 September 1991, to organize a self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people.


"We call for an urgent, fair and transparent investigation, in the presence of both parties to the conflict and a representative of the family of the victim to reveal all the circumstances and determine responsibilities, and the rapid delivery of the body of the victim to his family," he said.


The accident occurred Saturday, from 17:00 to 18:00 GMT, in the area called Djbailat Albid, located in the region of Guelta, in the sector of the Moroccan regiment No. 51, opposite based No. 25, in the buffer zone where the use of weapons is forbidden under the cease-fire signed between the two parties of the conflict in Western Sahara, the Polisario Front and Morocco, it should be recalled.


This is not the first time that this area witnesses accidents that claimed the lives of hundreds of people and animals and caused serious injuries due to the explosion of mines or gunfire shot by Moroccan forces which has significantly affected the security and economy of the defenseless nomads in areas adjacent to the Moroccan wall that represents a crime against humanity. (SPS)

