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President of Republic calls on international community, UN to recognize SADR

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Shahid El Hafed (Base of Shahid El Hanafi), 26 February, 2016 (SPS) –President of Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, launched Friday in Shahid El Hafed an "urgent appeal" to the international community and the United Nations urging them to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).


"Today, I say that it is time for the international community, with all the member states, and the United Nations to follow the African Union to recognize the Sahrawi Republic," Abdelaziz said on the sidelines of an official ceremony of welcoming international delegations, on the eve of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the proclamation of SADR.


Abdelaziz underlined that the international community "must assume its responsibilities and recognize the Sahrawi Republic as did the UN for the Palestinian question."


"The UN has to do the same with the Sahrawi question. That is the proper and essential response," he urged.


Moreover, the Sahrawi president reiterated that Morocco was blocking all ways leading to the solution, both referendum and negotiations.


"Morocco even closes the territory of Western Sahara to the visit of Christopher Ross, UN Personal Envoy and even the UN Secretary-General and international observers. So Morocco has not allowed any kind of efforts," he lamented. (SPS)

